The South African
Revenue Service (“SARS”) issued Interpretation Note 112 (“IN112”) on 21 June
2019 to provide guidance on the interpretation and application of the audit
certificate requirement as set out in section 18A of the Income Tax Act.
This was due to the fact detailed information on this requirement was not
included in section 18A, resulting in uncertainties regarding compliance with
these provisions.
Section 18A allows for
an income tax deduction for donations made to certain approved organisations.
These organisations include approved public benefit organisations (“PBOs”),
certain specified agencies, programmes, funds, the High Commissioner, offices,
entities or organisations
(“approved organisations”) as well as
certain government departments.
However, the term
“audit certificate” is not defined in section 18A. In terms of the guidance,
this constitutes a physical document that provides an opinion on the use of donations
for which the relevant entity issued section 18A receipts.
It is recommended that
the person from whom an audit certificate is obtained should be independent of
the relevant entity and suitably qualified. The IN112 lists examples of such
persons for the different types of approved entities. For example, for PBOs, it
may be an independent auditor or reviewer
while for trusts, it may be a bookkeeper not employed by the trust.
In general, the audit
certificate should express an opinion confirming that all the donations for
which section 18A certificates were issued were used solely for public benefit
activities (“PBAs”) in Part II of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act.
In terms of IN112, additional information that should be included are details
of the approved entity, details of the person issuing the audit certificate and
details of the work performed. The latter includes, amongst others, a
description of the work that formed the basis for the opinion reached and the
tests performed. SARS recognises that detailed testing poses practical
difficulties but requires an express statement that sufficient and appropriate
audit evidence was obtained.
Please note that PBOs
are not required to submit the audit certificate with its annual income tax
return, though SARS may request it at any point. A government department must,
however, submit the audit certificate annually. IN112 furthermore provides
guidelines on the retention of audit certificates (generally for a period of 5
The take away is that
entities with section 18A status should carefully consider IN112 to ensure that
they comply with all the requirements with regards to audit certificates.
[1] No. 58 of 1962
[2] Section 18A(1)(bA)
[3] Section 18A(1)(c)
[4] Appointed
under the Companies Act No. 71
of 2008
[5] Section 18A(2B) with reference to
section 18A(2A). Please see distribution requirement for PBOs providing funds
or assets to other PBOs (referred to as “conduit PBOs”)
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